Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Susu mahal vs murah, diaper mahal vs murah

One of my friends called and asked for my opinion about which formula milk is good for her baby. Hmm.. how to answer to her question since all my kids were using 3 different brands when they were baby...

For me, its all depend on the baby, not all babies can drink cheap/expensive formula as they may get rashes, constipation etc. Some ok with just ordinary brand which is not so expensive or with 'gold' remarks on the tin.

The same goes to diaper, not all baby can use cheap diaper, all depends on their skin sensitivity... if your baby only can tahan with too expensive diapers than too bad lah... hehe... Like all my kids they were using ordinary wise brand and most important thing is comfortable & leak proof... actually i read somewhere about diapers which contain gel that may lead to cancer... gel is used mainly to absorb the liquid... hmmm.... i've tried used the normal napkin for aariz at home... bila dia wee wee ok lah, still boleh handle, tapi bila dia poo poo... i hv problem to clean the mess.. hehe..

As for me, I trained my kids to stop wearing diaper slowly when they reached 2 yr old, at the beginning it was very painful but after that everything was fine. All you need is patience. For Aariz you hv about 6 mnts to go before i'll train you diaper free. R u ready sayang?

my beloved aariz aka si cangkuk.. hehe

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