Monday, February 21, 2011

Ujian Formatif 1..

Just wanna wish my dear haziq n hazim gud luck for their Ujian Formatif 1 scheduled to be held on 22-24 Feb 2011.

Make sure #1 is in your hand dear.. u know d reward rite :)

This coming April there gonna be a surprise gift for them, reward for last year's performance in their examination.. i've already arranged and booked the necessary on Nov last year but still keep it as a secret from the kiddos...
just wanna give them a surprise!!!

ok my dear Haziq & Hazim once again, GUD LUCK from ibu & abah, we know both of u can do it!! :D


Sall said...

wahhh, sall plak tak sabar nak tau apa surprise nye beb.. :D

Ibu Qisha said...

cepatnya..eisya belum dapat jadual lagi..apapun auntie ucapkan good luck ye :)

Oh Ibuuu said...

sal - no big deal lah, jalan dekat2 je ;) dh janji ngan budak2 tu..

thyla - thxs.. eisya xdpt jadual lagi ke? derang dah dpt takwim smpai ujung tahun punyer.. so senang nk plan apa2 xtvt..